Zenalb 20

Zenalb 20 Dosage/Direction for Use

human albumin




BJC Healthcare
Full Prescribing Info
Dosage/Direction for Use
The physician or nurse will calculate how much Zenalb 20 to give the patient and how often the patient should receive it. The amount given will depend on the individual needs.
During and after treatment with Zenalb 20, the physician may check any or all of the following: How well the medicine is working by taking the pulse or heart rate; the blood pressure; the pressure inside the heart or lungs by placing a very thin tube into the vein or artery; heart and breathing will be checked regularly, particularly if the patient is elderly or very young; blood tests may be carried out to check when the right;  amounts of protein, sodium and potassium are present and treatment can stop.
Children: The amount given will depend on the age of the child. The physician will take this into account when calculating the amount to give.
The usual dose for infusion will be decided by the physician depending on the condition and the response to treatment.
The medicine can be diluted with 5% glucose or 0.9% sodium chloride by the physician but no other medicine should be added to the liquid before it is given.
If the patient experience headache, difficulty in breathing, jugular vein congestion (signs that the heart is becoming overloaded), or increased blood pressure, raised venous pressure or pulmonary oedema, the infusion will be stopped immediately.
This medicine will not interfere with blood tests that are carried out after it has been given.
If the patient is given more ZENALB 20 than the patient should the patient may experience: high blood pressure, difficulty in breathing (particularly when lying down) and high pressure inside the heart, which the physician can measure.
In the unlikely event that too much medicine is given, the infusion will be stopped immediately and the physician may give the treatment to remove the excess fluid. If the patient feel unwell afterwards or have any discomfort, tell the physician.
Administration: The patient will be given Zenalb 20 as an infusion (an injection given very slowly into a vein). It is unlikely that the patient will have to use Zenalb 20; infusion fluids are mainly given by a physician or nurse.
The bottle will be warmed to room temperature before it is used.
A thin plastic tube and connector will be inserted into the vein using a needle; the needle will be removed and the connector will be attached to a plastic tube.
The bottle of medicine will be attached to the other end of the tube and hung in the plastic sling above the patient.
The medicine will pass down the tube slowly, through a filter and into the body through the thin plastic tube.
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